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Breed Data

Parents, Weight, and Chance

isBreedable (Optional)

The isBreedable value is a true/false flag to tell the mod that "this bee is breedable and here are it's parents". The value defaults to false and must be set to true if you want the bee to be breedable. Setting the value to true but not specifying the bees parents means the bee can only be bred by bees of the same type.

Parent 1 & Parent 2 (Optionally Required)

parent1 and parent2 are two separate values. They are optional, however, when used, they must be used together with isBreedable. Parent 1 and Parent 2 are used for determining what bees must mate to create this child bee.

Here is an example of its usage:


In this example the bee can be bred when a Diamond and Emerald bee mate.

"isBreedable": true,
"parent1": "diamond",
"parent2": "Emerald"


In this example the bee can be bred when "my_super_cool_bee" mates with "my_other_super_cool_bee".

"isBreedable": true,
"parent1": "my_super_cool_bee",
"parent2": "my_other_super_cool_bee"


A bee can also have multiple sets of parents by comma separating the values. Here is an example:

"isBreedable": true,
"parent1": "coal, redstone, lapis",
"parent2": "gold, diamond, emerald"
Using the example above the bee would have 3 possible sets of parents:

  1. Coal & Gold
  2. Redstone & Diamond
  3. Lapis & Emerald

Breed Weight (Optional)

This value is an optional value that is used to determine the weighting that the child bee has versus all other bees the same two parents can make. The value is represented as a double and can be any number greater than zero. This value determines the weighting that the child bee has when breeding. The default for this value is 10.


Breed weight cannot be customized per pair of parents.


Suppose for example that we have two parents: Iron and Gold and that these two parents can make three different bee types: Diamond, Emerald, and Redstone:

Diamond Breed Data:

"isBreedable": true,
"parent1": "iron",
"parent2": "gold",
"breedWeight": 20
Emerald Breed Data:
"isBreedable": true,
"parent1": "iron",
"parent2": "gold",
"breedWeight": 10
Redstone Breed Data:
"isBreedable": true,
"parent1": "iron",
"parent2": "gold",
"breedWeight": 70

Given the information above, when an Iron and Gold bee mate there is a 20% chance a Diamond bee will spawn, a 10% chance that an Emerald bee will spawn, and a 70% chance that a Redstone bee will spawn.

Breed Chance (Optional)

This value is an optional value that is used to determine the chance that the parents breeding will result in an offspring of this type. The value is represented as a double and must be a percentage value represented by a number between 0 and 1. This value determines the chance that the breed will succeed. The default for this value is 1.


"breedChance": 0.25
"breedChance": 0.1

Feeding Bees

Feed Item (Optional)

The feedItem for a bee represents the item that is required to trigger the love state for a bee. The item is a string value in the form of namespace:ID. feedItem has tag support as follows: tag:domain:type/material.


Coal and Skeleton bees are good examples the feed item being used:


"BreedData": {  
  "feedItem": "minecraft:poppy",  
  "feedAmount": 4,  
  "isBreedable": true  
"BreedData": {  
  "isBreedable": true,  
  "feedItem": "small",  
  "feedAmount": 8  

Feed Amount (Optional)

feedAmount is an integer value used to determine how many feedItems must be given to the bee in order for it to trigger its love state. In the examples from above, the Coal bee must be given four poppies to trigger its love state and the Skeleton bee must be given eight total flowers from the small flowers tag.

Time Delays

Child Growth Delay (Optional)

childGrowthDelay is a signed integer represented as a negative value which indicates the number of ticks it takes for the bee to become and adult bee. By default, it uses the vanilla value of -24000.

Breed Delay (Optional)

breedDelay is a signed integer represented as a positive value which indicates the number of ticks it takes before a bee can mate with another bee after having spawned in a child. By default, it uses the vanilla value of 6000.


Internally, both values affect the GrowingAge of the AgeableEntity and increase or decrease in value each tick with the goal of reaching zero.


Here is a blank template showing all configurable fields in the Breed Data object:

"BreedData": {  
  "isBreedable": true,  
  "parent1": "",
  "parent2": "",
  "breedWeight": 10,
  "breedChance": 1,
  "feedItem": "all",  
  "feedAmount": 1,
  "childGrowthDelay": -24000,
  "breedDelay": 6000